Saturday, February 11, 2006

Long Pond & Mansell Mountain - A November Hike in Acadia, 11/20/05

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving it was sunny and relatively warm with temperatures in the fifties, just perfect for a fall hike in Acadia National Park. Although I set out intending only about an hour's walk along the shore of Long Pond, it was so nice that I couldn't turn back and wound up hiking the complete loop through Great Notch, to the summit of Mansell Mountain, and then finally back to the pumping station at the foot of Long Pond. Time seems to stand still on the trail while in reality it evaporates quickly, which meant that I almost missed breakfast at Jordan's Restaurant in Bar Harbor (a long held Sunday tradition); as it was I made it there by about 1:45pm, just in time to get in before the 2pm closing. Here's a sampling of photos from along the trail; click on each photo for full size view.

Plants & rocks in the November light.

A reminder of impending winter.

The view across Long Pond.

The south shore trail.

The blue paint stripes mark the trail ascending Mansell Mountain.

A nice view from a mountain not known for its views.

A classic Acadia stone stairway.

Looking down toward the pumping station.

Long Pond view from the pumping station.


Charlie Ricci said...

These are absolutely perfect photos of a very beautiful spot in the park.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics--I left my camera behind when I did this hike years ago. It was a great day! Surprised this train was not more travelled.